Over $65,000 of grants are awarded by The Kiwanis Club of Mason in 2025 to support children in our community. These grants enable local agencies focused on the needs of children to build skills that will serve them over their lifetime, have experiences they may not be able to have, due to physical and/or financial limitations and provide the opportunity for further education to support their growth as the leaders and citizens of tomorrow through scholarships from our Mason Scholarship Foundation. These grants are only possible through the support of our generous donors in our community who support the community service work of The Kiwanis Club of Mason and our two fundraisers: The Golf Classic and Pancake Day.
Community Agency
Grant Purpose
Building Blocks for Kids
Supporting for children with special needs so they and their family have what is needed to help remove barriers for a child which allow for a better experience in their life. (i.e. wheelchairs, …)
MYO Challenger Baseball
Support for the Mason Youth Organization Challenger League for children with disabilities to play on a baseball team and experience the joy of the game and being part of a team. Our Club has provided grants to the development of the Challenger League baseball fields in Makino Park and we contribute annually to the league through team sponsorship and volunteering to cheer on these athletes.
Child Advocacy Center
Funds training for Mason City School personnel to receive Darkness in Light’s Stewards of Children training program focused on sexual abuse prevention training to adults in the community.
Comet Cupboard
Supporting for the Comet Cupboard backpack program that provides easy to prepare and nutritious food for food insecure children at all 5 City of Mason Schools. Food is provided for the weekends and over school breaks. Children are identified by school personnel.
Family Promise
Funds are used to purchase shoes for the children in the shelter program as part of the Christmas in July program that ensures these children have clothes, shoes and school supplies to start the school year and support their success.
Mary Haven Youth Center
Supporting life skill programs that help children in the Mary Haven Youth Center develop positive life skills that will aid them as they continue to grow into adulthood. Currently the program is focused on healthy cooking and eating.
Mason Police Programs
Supporting for the City of Mason Police – Good ticket program. This allows the police to have a positive engagement with children in our city, reinforcing positive behaviors observed (like wearing your bike helmet, helping others) that builds relationship with adults and rewards good behavior.
Mason Public Library
Supporting for the Mason Public Library Summer Reading Program. Kiwanis was the original sponsor of this program and has been providing financial support for 30 years. These funds provide the fun incentive for children to continue reading throughout the summer.
Safe on Main
Supporting enrichment programs for children while enrolled in a Safe on Main program for women and families seeking help as they transition from a difficult life.
St Susanna Network of Care
Funds are used to purchase food, personal items and cleaning items to stock the food pantry that provides for over 60 families with 25 children on a monthly basis.
WCCS Adult New Reader
Supporting the purchase material for adults to learn how to read or for those learning English as an additional language.
Luke 5 Adventure
Support for children with disabilities that supports a hiking adventure for a child to connect with nature with special equipment and personnel to support the hike. The hike is designed to provide an experience in nature that child would not be able to do without this help.
Support for children with disabilities to participate in soccer to experience the sport and the ability to participate on a team. These funds are used for an end of season celebration to reward the athletes for the hard work during the season.
School Program
Grant Purpose
MMS Student of the Month
Recognition breakfast for students who were nominated by their teacher for making a difference with others.
Student of the Month and Year
Monthly and an Annual student recognition event for a student who was selected by school personnel for their exceptional contribution impacting the school’s culture
Students Make a Difference
Recognition lunch 3 times a year to celebrate the above and beyond contribution of students across all grades who are nominated by their teacher for making a difference with others.
Builders Club Assistance
Support of the community service work done by the Builders Club in the Mason Middle School to support student leadership development and experience with community service
Student Assistance Funds at each of the 5 schools
Financial support for students in need at the each of the 5 schools administered by the School Principal that ensures financial constraints do not impact a student from fully participating at school with essentials needed or in a after school opportunity.
MHS Academic Team
Support for the Mason High School Academic Team to participate in interschool opportunities and competitions.
Mason City Schools Project 100
Financial support for students in need at the Mason school administered by the Guidance Counselors that ensures financial constraints do not impact a student from fully participating in a after school opportunity or other learning opportunity.
Mason City Schools Temp Shelter
Financial support for a student experiencing homelessness.
CommUNITY Holiday Help
Financial Support for the Mason City Schools CommUNITY Holiday Help initiative to provide holidays gifts to children in need – Something they want, something they need, something to wear and something to read. Students are identified by school personnel and families are invited to participate.
Grant Recipients
Over $65,000 of grants are awarded by The Kiwanis Club of Mason in 2025 to support children in our community. These grants enable local agencies focused on the needs of children to build skills that will serve them over their lifetime, have experiences they may not be able to have, due to physical and/or financial limitations and provide the opportunity for further education to support their growth as the leaders and citizens of tomorrow through scholarships from our Mason Scholarship Foundation. These grants are only possible through the support of our generous donors in our community who support the community service work of The Kiwanis Club of Mason and our two fundraisers: The Golf Classic and Pancake Day.