Please join us at the Mason Middle School on Saturday, November 8th, 2025
7 AM to 1 PM
Bring your family, friends & neighbors to this true CommUNITY event. Enjoy great tasting pancakes, sausages, biscuits & gravy, coffee, juice, milk, chocolate milk and more??? Click below to purchase your $5 advance purchase tickets, children under 3 years old are free! There will also be raffle baskets on display during the event.
This is an important fundraiser that supports dozens of local programs for children in and around the Mason area. 100% of the proceeds goes towards these important community programs.
Every year the Kiwanis Club of Mason requests the support of local businesses for assistance in sponsoring our Kiwanis Pancake Social through a variety of advertising. Your business has the opportunity to reach over 1,500 people who want to support local businesses. Without your support, our community service programs would not be as influential as they have become! Please consider supporting this event at one of the sponsor levels below.
Receives a premiere full-color placemat ad with logo, table sponsor sign, sign on stage, social media recognition, slide show recognition, public announcement at event and 10 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.
Better Batter $500
Receives a full-color placemat ad with logo, table sponsor sign, social media recognition, slide show recognition, and 6 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.
Groovy Gravy $250
Receives a double placemat ad, table sponsor sign, slide show recognition, and 4 FREE tickets Pancake Day.
Super Syrup $100
Receives a single placemat ad, slide show recognition, and 2 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.
Pancake Day
66th Annual
Mason Kiwanis
Pancake Social
Please join us at the Mason Middle School on Saturday, November 8th, 2025
7 AM to 1 PM
Bring your family, friends & neighbors to this true CommUNITY event. Enjoy great tasting pancakes, sausages, biscuits & gravy, coffee, juice, milk, chocolate milk and more??? Click below to purchase your $5 advance purchase tickets, children under 3 years old are free! There will also be raffle baskets on display during the event.
This is an important fundraiser that supports dozens of local programs for children in and around the Mason area. 100% of the proceeds goes towards these important community programs.
Purchase Advance Pancake Day Tickets
Sponsor Pancake Day
Every year the Kiwanis Club of Mason requests the support of local businesses for assistance in sponsoring our Kiwanis Pancake Social through a variety of advertising. Your business has the opportunity to reach over 1,500 people who want to support local businesses. Without your support, our community service programs would not be as influential as they have become! Please consider supporting this event at one of the sponsor levels below.
Full Stack $1,000
Receives a premiere full-color placemat ad with logo, table sponsor sign, sign on stage, social media recognition, slide show recognition, public announcement at event and 10 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.
Better Batter $500
Receives a full-color placemat ad with logo, table sponsor sign, social media recognition, slide show recognition, and 6 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.
Groovy Gravy $250
Receives a double placemat ad, table sponsor sign, slide show recognition, and 4 FREE tickets Pancake Day.
Super Syrup $100
Receives a single placemat ad, slide show recognition, and 2 FREE tickets to Pancake Day.